Sean Cassone

Thinkful Student + Software Engineer

I am new to the Raleigh, NC, area. While I spend most of my time on the computer learning about development, I like to get outside and enjoy the outdoors. You can find me hiking or biking on a trail nearby, watching some of my favorite shows on TV, or a good sci-fi movie.

About Sean

I have been part of the internet since the early days of dialup and AOL. Over the years, I have watched it continuously evolve and eventually become a daily part of almost everyone's life.

Being a software engineer, I have fully immersed myself in this world. It allows me to work with groups of like-minded people as a team. Working with a team is great because it will enable you to collaborate and take your project beyond just your imagination.

As a developer, I can offer a wide range of services. I look forward to getting started on your project.

  • Build custom e-commerce applications
  • Mobile-first Development to optimize the web experience over all devices
  • Deployment and management of your hosted website.

Let's Stay in Touch!

I look forward to hearing from you! Please follow me on LinkedIn or check out my projects on Github. You can also email me at the address below or send me a message directly using the form below.

Let's Connect!

Featured Projects

View some of my selected projects below that showcase some of my skills as a developer


Project Local Library

My neighborhood decided to put together a local library where people can lend and borrow books. So I helped build an app to keep track of which books are available, which are currently out, and other general statistics about the program.

Website GitHub Repo

Decoder Ring

Decoder Ring is an app that has three different ciphers to encode and decode messages. The ciphers included Ceaser, Polybius square, and substitution. I built this app using JavaScript and HTML, and CSS. Go ahead and send some secret messages to your friends.

Web Page GitHub Repo